Calendar 2025

Calendar 2025

Planning Status: Date 1. February 2025

This calender is provisional. It will be updated continuously.

FRA07.03.09.03.French OpenLac Moisson-LavacourtYCIFResults
GER21.04.SaarLorLuxBostalseeYCSBcancelled due to health problems
BEL – European 2.4mR Easter Egg Lac de L’Eau d’HeureSNEH2nd Regatta in Belgium
FRA22.05.25.05.Metre ClassesMediterranean SeaToulontogether with 12, 8, 6mR
AUT Alpin CupWörtherseeYCVNow Austria is with us!
FRA27.06.29.06.National French CupSeineYCIFas „ever“
NED12.09.14.09.Dutch ChampionshipSneeker MeerKWSThe venue for the World Championship 2026.
GERNevellüüchtPlauer SeePHLcancelled due to World Championship
BEL24.10.26.10.AntwerpCityCupGalgenweelRYCBas „ever“

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  • Good morning,

    My name is Samuel Sánchez, and I am the coach of the 2.4mR class at the Real Club Náutico de Gran Canaria. Currently, we are a group of five sailors who train and sail year-round. We are very interested in participating in the European 2.4mR circuit and would like to request information regarding the possibility of renting or obtaining boats, as transporting them from the Canary Islands is quite complicated.

    I also wanted to mention that, as I’ve seen on the calendar, sailing in Europe usually pauses during December, January, and February. However, here in the Canary Islands, we sail throughout these months due to the excellent weather conditions. I would like to invite you to come and train with us here, just like Frank Bittner, a sailor from Germany who comes every year to sail here during this period.

    Looking forward to your response,
    Best regards,
    Samuel Sánchez

    • Hi Samuel,

      You are welcome to join the European Circuit regattas.

      As we are only very loosely organised, I would ask that organisers contact you directly.

      Similarly, anyone interested in sailing in Gran Canaria in summer or winter time should contact Samuel directly.

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