European Circuit: Ranking 2025

European Circuit: Ranking 2025

Who are the champions in 2025?

In 2025 we will publish the ranking status after every regatta of the European Circuit. Seven Regattas are on our schedule. The first one was the French Open, sailed by 28 sailors from 8 nations.

We will see us on Lac de L’Eau d’Heure in Belgium, the 2nd Regatta of the European Circuit, called „European Easter Egg“!

Register now and here!

And the ranking only reflects the situation on the water. The European Circuit is also inseparable from the friendly community on land, also characterised as the Action4Europe family.

Method of Ranking
All ranking lists are unfair. Every regatta, indeed every race, is unique and cannot really be compared with another because the weather is different, the course has been moved, participants have cancelled, etc.
With this in mind, we nevertheless present a ranking of the European Circuit with the following rules:

– The toplist consist only of participants who sailed three or more regattas.
– If someone sailed more than three regattas, we only rank the three best of her or him.
– The regattas are often weighted with factors. We don’t do that.
– The only weighting between the regattas is based on the number of participants.

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