Antwerp City Cup 2024 not on Lake Galgenweel

Antwerp City Cup 2024 not on Lake Galgenweel

The Antwerp City Cup (ACC) is planned as usual last WE of October 25-27th.

As announced at the time of the 2023 ACC, major water/bank works will start at the lake Galgenweel October 1st 2024.

Luckily,  the club “Les Sports Nautiques de l’Eau d’Heure” (SNEH) is willing to organise the 2024 ACC on the reservoir “Lac de L’eau D’heure”. We are very happy and grateful for the efforts of the SNEH. 

It’s a big lake, the surroundings are particularly beautiful, 100 km south of Brussels, 38 km south of Charleroi.

The NOR is already available on Manage to Sail with more information, including overnight stay.

View from SNEH harbour to th dam

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