Action in Northern Europe

Action in Northern Europe

Hasse Malmsten, SWE, wrote these good news:

Hasse Malmsten

I’m glad to announce that things are moving in the right direction up here in the northern regions.

Here on the Swedish Westcoast we will have two national ranking regattas and we have a cooperation with the Norwegians sharing ranking regattas. My home club Ljungskile will arrange the Nordic Championships and Marstrand Race Days will include the 2.4mR class and it will be a part of the rank as well.

There is new activity in Denmark. For example Niels Ulstrup is returning to the class and Knut Falbe-Hansen, DEN 95, has joined. Presently I’m building a new boat for a Danish sailor so the class seems to gain momentum there.

Would be great if you could share these good news on 2.4Action4Europe

Med vänlig hälsning,
Hasse Malmsten

Last weekend Niels Ulstrup, DEN 114, and Detlef Mueller-Boeling, GER 99, renewing their old friendschip

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