European Circuit: Ranking 2023

European Circuit: Ranking 2023

All ranking lists are unfair. But many people love to compare themselves with each other. Sailing is no exception. Every regatta, indeed every race, is unique and cannot really be compared with another because the weather is different, the course has been moved, participants have cancelled, etc.
With this in mind, we nevertheless present a ranking of the European Circuit with the following restrictions:

  • Not everyone had the opportunity to sail all 6 regattas for various reasons. We only rank the three best of each participant.
  • The individual regattas are often judged using a factor that is intended to reflect the „quality“ of the participants. We do not do this because such an assessment is always subjective and therefore arbitrary and furthermore, all 2.4mR sailors in a European comparison are of high quality.
  • The only weighting between the regattas is based on the number of participants.

Here are the first three ranks:

Gold Medal: Urs Infanger SUI 917
Silver Medal: Ulli Libor GER 1011
Bronze Medal: Ben van Cauwenbergh BEL 80

Three nations on the first places, a wonderful European result between the 21 participants sailing three or more regattas.

Ranking List European Circuit – best 3 regattas (also in pdf)

But of course all the other participants in the European Circuit also want to know where they stand. That is why we are also publishing the results of all 80 participants of 10 nations in the six regattas here – knowing full well that they are heavily influenced by the number of regattas sailed.

Ranking List total European Circuit (also in pdf)

The European Circuit had a tremendous start in 2023. We are very encouraged to continue the circuit in 2024 with many friendly encounters in a relaxed atmosphere and exciting competitions on the water.

By the way: the French National Class Association published a ranking of 28 European regattas with 187 participants from 17 nations following the same formula. See

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